Careers Leader
Iain Bellis is our Careers Leader. If you wish more information on our careers programme or advice in this area, you can contact him by phoning the school on 0151 924 3671 and requesting to speak to Mr Bellis or through email.
Careers education, information, advice and guidance (CEIAG) is an essential part of the support we offer to students at Crosby High School. Effective careers support can help to prepare young people for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of life; it can help them to make decisions and manage transitions as learners and workers. As options for young people become more varied and complex, it is vital that we support them to develop the knowledge and skills they need to make informed choices for their future. As a result, the careers programme has a whole- school remit designed to complement the rest of the school curriculum.
This policy sets out how career activities are delivered at school and explains what students, parents/carers, staff and Governors can expect from the careers programme.
Curriculum Intent
The Crosby High careers programme aims to:
- encourage students to be ambitious, broaden their horizons and explore their own career aspirations throughout their life at school
- ensure pupil’s readiness to take their next step in their learning or career.
Crosby High School follows the principles of the Gatsby Benchmarks (see later section). The objectives for the careers programme are as follows:
- helping students to understand the changing world of work
- facilitating meaningful encounters with employers for all students
- supporting positive transitions post-16
- enabling students to develop the research skills to find out about opportunities
- helping students to develop the skills, attitudes and qualities to make a successful transition into the world of work
- encouraging participation in continued learning, including further and higher education and apprenticeships
- supporting inclusion, challenging stereotyping and promoting equality of opportunity contributing to strategies for raising achievement, particularly by increasing motivation.
Curriculum Implementation
All students are entitled to be fully involved in an effective CEIAG programme.
Students are encouraged to take an active role in their own career development, so the careers programme emphasises student participation with a focus on self-development; learning about careers and the world of work; and developing career management and employability skills.
During their time at school, all students can expect:
- the support they need to make the right choices in YR11
- access up-to-date and unbiased information on future learning and training, careers and labour market information
- support to develop the self-awareness and career management skills needed for their future
- career sessions from Y7 to Y11 covering options after school, the world of work, the job market and the skills needed for the future
- at least four meaningful encounters with representatives from the world of work; this could be through work experience, assemblies, careers talks (in or outside lessons), projects and visits
- to hear from a range of education and training providers, including colleges, universities and apprenticeship organisations; this could include visits and taster days, as well as assemblies , talks and meetings at school
- the opportunity to relate what they learn in lessons to their life and career beyond school
- the opportunity to talk through their career and educational choices with staff including form tutors and the careers lead
- access to one-to-one guidance careers guidance.
- the school to keep parents/carers informed of their progress and provide parents/carers with information to support students’ career planning and decision-making. Parents/carers are actively encouraged to attend open days/evenings as part of their child’ post 16 transition.
- to be asked their views about the service they have received to ensure that the service continues to meet the needs of the students.
Parental involvement
Young people do not make career decisions in isolation and parents/carers can have a substantial impact, as well as a clear interest in the right outcomes for their young person. The school is keen to foster parental involvement in the careers programme, wherever possible.
Events for parents and carers
Parents/carers are invited into school to discuss their son/daughter’s progress, on Parents Evenings. In readiness for these events, students’ career aspirations are collected by form tutors to allow discussions around progress relating to next steps, career ideas and career planning, as well as academic progress.
In addition, specialist events for parents include Post 16 Choices Evening along with both YR10 and YR11 Parents evenings.
Parents/carers are kept up to date with career-related events and activities affecting their son/daughter via letters, texts home, Class Dojo and the school website.
Parents are also made aware of any post 16 Open Evenings organised by local Colleges and training providers within the local area.
Delivery of the careers programme
Years 7, 8 & 9
Lessons might include what work is, how salaries relate to different jobs, stereotyping around jobs, how to find out about jobs, the skills needed for work, jobs of the future, the geography of jobs.
They will also be introduced to the world of work by matching jobs and necessary skills and understanding different career choices. Employability skills are taught and the pupils complete a skills audit. In Year 9, pupils are introduced to the importance and relevance of STEM subjects (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics). At Key Stage 3, pupils will have opportunities to visit a place of work through other areas of the curriculum, participate in an ‘Employability’ event and visit the ‘Big Bang’ event in Liverpool.
By the end of Y9, all students will have had the opportunity to:
- Be introduced to career resources to help them understand their preferences and the options open to them.
- Develop their self-awareness
- Receive support to make the right choices, including assemblies, parents’ events, meeting with senior staff at school and the option of a careers meeting.
- Pupils will complete relevant modules from the ASDAN ’New Horizons’ programme.
Year 10
Key activities: Preparation for Work experience
Lessons include preparing to find and carry out work experience placements; CVs, applications and interview technique in preparation for mock business interviews; understanding post-16 options.
By the end of Y10, all students will have had the opportunity to:
- Develop their self-awareness and career management skills, including writing a CV
- Experience at least one week in the workplace
- Experience a taster day in a sixth form or college setting
- Learn about the different Post-16 pathways.
Year 11
Key activities: Post-16 applications
Students will learn how to write a personal statement for post-16 applications, produce a CV; interview technique in preparation for mock interviews; attend group sessions discussing the different post-16 pathways and key considerations when choosing post-16 options.
By the end of Y11, all students will have had the opportunity to:
- Use a range of sources of information (with support, as required) to explore Post-16 options
- Attend events in school and out of school where they can speak to employers, colleges and training providers.
- Develop their self-awareness and career management skills
- Apply for Post-16 options and back-up plans, as necessary
- Continue to develop the skills needed for a successful transition
- Have at least one careers meeting.
- Complete relevant modules from the ASDAN Short Course in Careers and Experiencing Work.
Post 16 Information Event
Each year, the school gives students and parents of Years 10 and 11 an opportunity to interact with all the local college and sixth forms to see what courses are on offer. This event always takes place early in the autumn term and all parents/carers and pupils are encouraged to engage with the post 16 providers to help them make more informed choices when applying for courses after life at CHS.
Career guidance meetings
Students are entitled to appropriate guidance to meet their individual needs.
The careers adviser will draw up an action plan. Students will receive a copy and parents and staff have the option to see this information so they can support the process.
Curriculum Impact
The Gatsby Benchmarks
Crosby High School is working towards attaining the eight Gatsby Benchmarks. These are a framework of eight guidelines that define the best provision in schools and colleges. The careers strategy at Crosby High School is built around them. They are:
- A stable careers programme. This will be evident in the embedded programme of careers education and guidance and will be known and understood by students, parents, teachers and employers. Careers is an integral element of the curriculum from Years 7 to 11.
- Learning from career and labour market information. Every student and their parents/carers will have access to good quality information about future study options and where applicable, labour market opportunities. Students and parents /carers will have informed support from relevant staff within the school.
- Addressing the needs of each pupil. Pupils have different career guidance needs at different stages. Opportunities for advice and support will be tailored to the needs of each pupil. The CEIAG programme at CHS has considerations for equality and diversity embedded to its core.
- Linking curriculum learning to careers. All teachers are aware of how their curriculum area links with careers. Pupils are made aware of how different subjects are relevant to a variety of career paths. They will also have the opportunity to participate in a number of STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) based activities at various times throughout each school year.
- Encounters with employers and employees. Pupils will have numerous opportunities to learn from employers about work, employment and the skills that are valued in the workplace. These encounters take place through a variety of activities such as mock interviews with employers, enterprise based activities and visits to a variety of workplaces.
- Experiences of workplaces. Each pupil has an opportunity to experience the world of work through the CHS ‘Work experience programme’. This may be through an extended two week placement or through a series of targeted visits to a variety of work places.
- Encounters with further and higher education. All pupils will have opportunities to engage with and experience relevant taster sessions with our partner post 16 providers. These encounters take place at the end of Year 10 and throughout Year 11.
- Personal Guidance. Every pupil, along with their parents/carers will have a careers and guidance interview. This will take place in the autumn of Year 11 and forms part of the transitionary EHCP meeting.
External providers
A range of external providers are invited into school to support the careers programme. These might include local colleges, universities, training providers, apprenticeship organisations, employers, school alumni, or staff from various projects. In all cases, such staff and organisations will be vetted for suitability by the relevant staff at school.
Management and staffing
The Careers Lead is responsible for taking a strategic lead and direction for careers work in the school; working under the direction of the SLT.
Staff Development
At CHS, all staff will be familiar with the concepts, aims and programme for CEIAG. This staff development is further enhanced at Year Team meetings. The Careers Lead attends conferences and network meetings to keep up to date with best practice and legislation.
The school is committed to providing the resources to enable an effective careers programme, including adequate staffing, staff training and resources.
Employer links
Links with employers, businesses and other external agencies continue to grow; by building on local community connections; as well as through the support of the school's Enterprise Advisor.
Equal of opportunities
The school is keen to promote equal opportunities, challenge stereotypes and address limiting beliefs. All students can access advice and guidance tailored to their needs with support to explore options that suit their preferences, skills and strengths. The team work on early-identification of students requiring additional support, with no limit placed on how many times a student might see a careers adviser. The careers advisers work with the SENCO to support Education, Health and Care planning. The destinations of school-leavers will be monitored and trends identified.
Monitoring and evaluation
When monitoring the success of the careers programme, the school considers formal and informal measures, qualitative and quantitative data and hard and soft outcomes for students.
The careers programme is evaluated in a number of ways, including:
- student feedback on their experience of the careers programme and what they gained from it
- staff feedback on careers lessons, mock interviews etc
- gathering informal feedback from external partners and from parents • quality assurance of careers lessons as part of careers programme.
- student destination figures post-16.
Careers - Employers & Providers
If you would like to know how you could support Crosby High School in the delivery of careers, please contact our careers lead.
You may be able to assist careers with any of the following: -
Guest speaker talks and presentations
Delivery of small parts of curriculum content
Workplace visits
Hands on workshops
Work Experience
Representation at parents’ evenings and careers fairs
Mock Interviews
For any further information please contact Mr Bellis:
- 0151 924 3671